3-Month Course: Angular

Month 1: Introduction to Angular
Week 1: Getting Started with Angular
  • Introduction to Angular Framework
  • Setting Up the Development Environment
  • Creating Your First Angular App

Project: Set up and create a basic Angular application

Week 2: Angular Components and Templates
  • Understanding Components
  • Template Syntax and Data Binding
  • Component Interaction

Project: Develop a multi-component Angular application

Week 3: Angular Directives and Pipes
  • Using Built-in Directives
  • Creating Custom Directives
  • Understanding Pipes

Project: Implement custom directives and pipes in an Angular app

Week 4: Forms and User Input
  • Template-Driven Forms
  • Reactive Forms
  • Form Validation

Project: Build a user input form with validation in Angular

Month 2: Angular Services and Dependency Injection
Week 1: Introduction to Services and Dependency Injection
  • Creating and Using Services
  • Understanding Dependency Injection
  • Providing Services in Angular

Project: Develop a service-based Angular application

Week 2: Angular HTTP Client
  • Making HTTP Requests
  • Handling HTTP Responses
  • Using Observables with HTTP

Project: Build an Angular app that interacts with a REST API

Week 3: Angular Routing and Navigation
  • Setting Up Angular Routes
  • Navigation and Navigation Guards
  • Lazy Loading Modules

Project: Implement routing in a multi-page Angular application

Week 4: Angular Modules and Dependency Injection
  • Creating and Using Modules
  • Feature Modules
  • Root and Feature Module Dependencies

Project: Organize an Angular application using modules

Month 3: Advanced Angular Topics
Week 1: Angular Animations
  • Introduction to Angular Animations
  • Using Animation Functions
  • Animating Angular Components

Project: Add animations to an Angular application

Week 2: Angular Testing
  • Introduction to Angular Testing
  • Unit Testing with Jasmine and Karma
  • End-to-End Testing with Protractor

Project: Write unit and end-to-end tests for an Angular application

Week 3: Angular Performance Optimization
  • Optimizing Angular Applications
  • Using the Angular CLI for Performance
  • Lazy Loading and Code Splitting

Project: Optimize an Angular application for performance

Week 4: Angular and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
  • Introduction to PWAs
  • Making an Angular App a PWA
  • Service Workers and Offline Functionality

Project: Convert an Angular application into a PWA